Plants that are propagated vegetatively from a genetically superior
elite tree constitute a clone. These clonal plants are true to type
& uniform with all the desirable qualities of the elite mother
 - age 2 years.jpg)
Eucalyptus Plantation with wheat intercrop – Age 2 years
growing, disease resistant and high yielding Clones of Eucalyptus
and Poplars have been developed through years of painstaking research
and extensive field trials. The productivity of these genetically
superior clones of Eucalyptus can be 2 to 3 times higher compared
to the productivity of normal seedlings.

Normal seed route plantation

Eucalyptus Plantation
planting stock yields uniform high quality wood with large clear
bole suitable for veneers, timber, poles, pulpwood and other uses.
yields and better quality wood mean lower per unit production costs
and very high net returns when compared to conventional seed route
